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Новости за 08.04.2016

Uber: Québec écarte la solution proposée par la Ville de Toronto


QUÉBEC - Le gouvernement Couillard écarte le scénario de Toronto pour régler le problème Uber. Des manifestations de chauffeurs de taxi se déroulaient justement à Montréal et à Québec vendredi pour dénoncer les activités d'Uber. Elles ont visé les aéroports, puis le cortège des protestataires de Montréal devait se rendre au bureau du premier ministre Philippe Couillard, au centre-ville, en après-midi.

​Gowin zapowiada ułatwienia w kredytach dla studentów


Wprowadzenie ułatwień w przyznawaniu kredytów zapowiedział w piątek w Jastrzębiej Górze (pomorskie) wicepremier i minister nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego Jarosław Gowin. Wicepremier mówił też o potrzebie wyłonienia w Polsce flagowych uczelni.

Twitter acquires employee feedback tool Peer 

Twitter has acquired Peer, an employee and manager feedback tool launched by former Salesforce COO George Hu, the startup quietly announced yesterday. Peer sought to reinvent performance reviews and create an environment where employees could monitor their performance continuously — similar to how Uber drivers keep tabs on their rating from ride to ride. Hu’s original launch announcement, published in 2015, sums up […]

Why Fictional Media Doesn't Desensitize Us to Real-Life Violence

The Huffington Post 

One of the mantras often expressed by advocates concerned about media violence is that violent media content may desensitize viewers to real-life violence. This notion of desensitization seems to have intuitive appeal for the pearl-clutching set in direct proportion to its nebulousness as a construct. So what do we mean by desensitization? And does this mean that media makes us more violent ourselves or more indifferent to the suffering of others?

Desensitization, in general, refers to decreased emotional response to aversive stimuli. Читать дальше...

Hollande Urges Panama to Respond to French Tax Request on Offshore Papers

RIA Novosti  

The Elysee Palace said in a statement that French President Francois Hollande urged the Panama authorities on Friday to respond to a request by the French taxation agency after media publications that allegedly disclosed offshore schemes used by a number of world leaders and public figures.

Students Making a Difference

The Huffington Post 

One of the biggest challenges college students face today is translating what they learn in the classroom to the skills and experience they will need when they enter the workforce. According to the results of McGraw-Hill Education's 2015 student workforce survey, only one in five college students say they feel "very prepared" to join the workforce. A study by Young Entrepreneur Council noted that 89% of young people surveyed believe that entrepreneurship education is important for the job market... Читать дальше...

На 89-м годзе жыцьця памерла габрэйская, літоўская і расейская пісьменьніца Марыя Ральнікайце

Радыё Свабода 

У 1941-1943 гадах яна была зьняволенай Віленскага гета, дзе загінулі яе родныя, затым — нацысцкіх лягераў Стаздзенгоф і Штутгаф. Ўдзельнічала ў антыфашысцкім падпольлі. Аўтар верша на ідыш «Страздзенгофскі гімн». Марыя Ральнікайце напісала кнігу пра гета «Я павінна распавесьці», якая выйшла спачатку на літоўскай мове (1963), а затым у аўтарскім перакладзе на ідыш і расейскай (у часопісе «Звезда», 1965). На гэты час кніга перакладзеная ўжо на 18 моваў. З 1964 года пісьменьніца жыла і працавала ў Ленінградзе. Читать дальше...

Calculate Your Taxes Based On Presidential Candidate Plans

The Huffington Post 

The 2016 presidential campaign is an unusual one, full of constant controversy and races that are still competitive on both sides (despite the comments of both front-runners). With the collective campaign noise, it can be difficult to sort out the candidate's real stand on issues that affect you. Help is available, at least with respect to taxes.

The Tax Policy Center (TPC) has gone the extra mile to help you compare each candidate's likely effect on your tax bill. Not only has TPC summarized the candidate's tax policies... Читать дальше...

Bill's Comments Expose Why Many Black Voters Don't Trust Hillary

The Huffington Post 

This week, former President Bill Clinton spoke at rally in Philadelphia to offer his wife Hillary Clinton support towards her campaign. Clinton speech was interrupted by protesters of anti-crime bills he pushed for during his presidency; laws that disproportionately affected African Americans. To many African American citizens, voters, and activists, the former President's response illuminated why many are skeptical of casting their ballot for Hillary Clinton, who supported his policies as First Lady. Читать дальше...

Рябинский хотел бы, чтобы боксер Трояновский перебрался выступать в США

«Р-Спорт» ( Агентство спортивных новостей 

Глава промоутерской компании "Мир бокса" Андрей Рябинский заявил, что хотел бы, чтобы чемпион мира по версиям IBF и IBO в первом полусреднем весе россиянин Эдуард Трояновский перебрался выступать в США.

Трояновский нокаутировал Куэнку 

Российский боксер Эдуард Трояновский одержал победу над аргентинцем Сесаром Куэнком техническим нокаутом в седьмом раунде. Поединок состоялся 8 апреля в московском УСК «Крылья Советов». В результате этого успеха Трояновский впервые в карьере защитил чемпионские титулы по версии IBO и IBF.