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Новости за 08.04.2016

Land Day, Land Grabs

The Huffington Post 

"March 30. Nothing but anger that day comes to my people's mind. Nothing but memories from that sad day when a group of Israeli soldiers tried to kick the local citizens out of the village."

Those words were written in 1998, on the 22nd anniversary of Land Day, an annual commemoration of land dispossession and the killings of six Palestinian citizens of Israel in 1976. They're from an essay by my then 15-year-old friend Aseel Asleh, which he titled "Peaceful Thoughts," and are included in... Читать дальше...

Dutch Flowers

The Huffington Post 

Springtime brings two blossom-filled celebrations of Dutch flower painting. In The Hague, the Mauritshuis is displaying its €6.5 million March acquisition: Roelant Savery's Vase of Flowers in a Stone Niche, one of a handful of the artist's surviving flower pieces. "Dutch Flowers" at London's National Gallery explores the genre from its start in the early 17th century to its peak two centuries later (April 6-August 29).

Announced at TEFAF in Maastricht, the Mauritshuis acquisition completes... Читать дальше...

Obama Issues 61 Commutations, Critics Assail Clemency Pace

The Huffington Post 

On March 30, President Obama commuted the prison sentences of 61 federal prisoners - over a third of whom were serving life sentences, for drug or firearms offenses. After a White House event highlighting the clemency action, the president invited ex-inmates whose sentences had previously been commuted to join him for lunch at a local restaurant.

A White House statement noted the latest clemency actions bring the president's total to 248 commutations, of which 92 were for prisoners serving life sentences. Читать дальше...

Tend To It

The Huffington Post 

He was walking across the university campus. The ancient buildings were the perfect backdrop on that fall day as I caught his smile and slight nod as we passed each other. It happened again the following day, and the next, each day to the point where we finally stopped and exchanged small talk, albeit more BS than anything. Yet that exchange turned into another and another and to make a long story shorter, we eventually ended up engaged, then married. I was 21 he was 23.
Three babies later, many ups and downs... Читать дальше...

From Arbol de la Muerte to Zapf Dingbats: This Week's Curios

The Huffington Post 

Every day of the year, CEO Justin Kitch writes a quirky fact, known as the Daily Curio, intended to tickle the brains of lifelong learners everywhere. This is a weekly digest.

Last week's Curios covered the uglier side of evolution, yellow stop signs, and the history of Zapf Dingbats.

Curio No. 990 | Meet a prehistoric Tully monstrosity
For over fifty years, paleontologists have been flummoxed by the Tully monster. Based on fossil evidence, the Tully monster was a marine animal that lived 300 million years ago.

Fahndungserfolg: Flughafenattentäter womöglich gefasst


Brüssel - Zweieinhalb Wochen nach den islamistischen Anschlägen in Brüssel haben Ermittler womöglich den geflüchteten Flughafenattentäter gefasst. Wie die Staatsanwaltschaft am Abend mitteilte, nahm die Polizei einen 31 Jahre alten Belgier mit dem Namen Mohamed Abrini fest.

Finding the Security Software That Suits Your Needs

The Huffington Post 

Along with the numerous benefits the internet offers, not the least of which is access to information 24/7, hackers and malicious entities roam the cyberspace, justifying the oft-used expression, "This is why we can't have good things."

Spear phishing, spam, malware, viruses, worms, ransomware - there's a whole battalion of them waiting in the sidelines to launch an attack, especially on unprotected, unsuspecting users. (For more information, this Infosec article differentiates one virus... Читать дальше...

Empate insípido

Mundo Deportivo 

Visto el partido entre Granada y Málaga, cualquiera podría pensar que el empate final estuviera pactado. Apenas nada de fútbol, ni una jugada elaborada con cierto criterio, y prácticamente tiro alguno entre los tres palos de ambas porterías. El derbi...

The Most Important Decision We Make as Parents

The Huffington Post 

The future depends on how we parent, so it's our biggest responsibility. Too bad there's no manual or required training. Here's a key though. The most important thing we can do for our kids is to be good to ourselves, to enjoy life, and to be positive adventurous people -- and to show that to them.

If we're juggling jobs and life and we're coming home stressed out, better to go do something relaxing and get rid of the stress first. Our kids don't need to see us worried, irritated or fearful. Читать дальше...

The School to Prison Pipeline: When Officers Outnumber Counselors

The Huffington Post 

In a time when we need to eliminate the school-to-prison pipeline, I'm concerned to hear that four of the country's largest school districts have more police or security officers than counselors - a troubling ratio that speaks to a police-state mentality that apparently continues to thrive in America.

In New York City, the country's largest school district, there are six security officers for every 1,000 students, but only three counselors. In Houston, there are 1.16 officers and only .78 counselors for every 100 students. Читать дальше...

Боксер Трояновский заявил, что Куэнке ничем не удалось его удивить в бою-реванше

«Р-Спорт» ( Агентство спортивных новостей 

Чемпион мира по боксу по версиям IBF и IBO в первом полусреднем весе россиянин Эдуард Трояновский заявил, что аргентинцу Сесару Рене Куэнке ничем не удалось его удивить в бою-реванше.

Pojedziemy na igrzyska!

Przegląd Sportowy 

Biało-czerwoni rozpoczęli nowy etap swojej historii. Pod wodzą Tałanta Dujszebajewa wykonali milowy krok w kierunku o Rio.