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Новости за 23.10.2015

Funding Public Education Through Fundraisers

The Huffington Post 

Chicago is a city of neighborhoods, and they can be vastly different. For more than a decade I worked in Chicago Public Schools on the West, Southwest, and South sides of Chicago. The only things these communities had in common were they had a high rate of poverty, typically over 90 percent, a perception of a high rate of crime, and rarely any white people living in these neighborhoods. In July of 2015 I transferred from being principal of a school on the Southwest side to The Ogden International School of Chicago... Читать дальше...

Colima suspenderá clases por "Patricia"

El Financiero 

Debido a la fuerza que ha adquirido el huracán "Patricia", el cual ha evolucionado a categoría 4, el gobierno de Colima determinó suspender clases para este viernes y recomendó a la población mantenerse informada de la trayectoria de este sistema.

Какие выводы сделают чиновники после шокирующей истории с "красногорским стрелком" 

Во время кризиса, когда идет ожесточенная борьба за бюджетные деньги, нервы у предпринимателей на пределе, а аппетиты чиновников растут. Однако история с "красногорским стрелком", скорее всего, заставит чиновников изменить отношение бизнесменам.

Ruling: Campaign finance limits don’t apply to unions with city contracts

Chicago Sun-Times 

Unions representing city employees should not be bound by Chicago’s campaign financing law limiting annual contributions to $1,500 per candidate, the Board of Ethics ruled this week. In a confidential advisory opinion, the board ruled that a collective bargaining agreement with the city is not the same as an agreement  between the city and a […]

Blue Jays try to force deciding Game 7 vs Royals in ALCS

«Gazette Times» ( 

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — The Kansas City Royals have established a reputation for dramatic postseason comebacks the past couple of years, beginning with last season's wild-card victory over Oakland.

Blue Jays try to force deciding Game 7 vs Royals in ALCS

«TDN» ( 

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — The Kansas City Royals have established a reputation for dramatic postseason comebacks the past couple of years, beginning with last season's wild-card victory over Oakland.

Blue Jays try to force deciding Game 7 vs Royals in ALCS

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — The Kansas City Royals have established a reputation for dramatic postseason comebacks the past couple of years, beginning with last season's wild-card victory over Oakland.

Blue Jays try to force deciding Game 7 vs Royals in ALCS

«The Bismarck Tribune» ( 

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — The Kansas City Royals have established a reputation for dramatic postseason comebacks the past couple of years, beginning with last season's wild-card victory over Oakland.

Серхио Перес: Я надеюсь, что победа однажды придет

«» (Формула 1) 

Перед началом гоночного уик-энда в Остине Серхио Переса спрашивали о впечатлениях от Гран При в Сочи, где он поднялся на подиум, о перспективах команды на американской трассе и ожиданиях от домашнего этапа...

Судьба путевки в плей-офф решится в домашнем матче "Краснодара" с ПАОКом - Жоаозиньо

«Р-Спорт» ( Агентство спортивных новостей 

Судьба путевки в плей-офф футбольной Лиги Европы будет решена в домашнем матче "Краснодара" с греческим ПАОКом, считает полузащитник краснодарцев Жоаозиньо.