Ford Transit вновь доступен по государственной программе льготного лизинга
Компания Ford Sollers возобновляет продажи нового Ford Transit по государственной программе льготного лизинга.
Компания Ford Sollers возобновляет продажи нового Ford Transit по государственной программе льготного лизинга.
Перевезти пассажиров берётся «Аэрофлот».
La decisión es "casi" unánime. Todas las formaciones políticas salvo el Partido Popular y Unió Democrática de Catalunya han presentado este miércoles un documento a través del que se comprometen a recuperar la pluralidad e independencia de la Corporación RTVE. En su comunicado abogan por una radiotelevisión plural e independiente a los poderes del Estado que esté al servicio de la ciudadanía.
Читать дальше...Глава Администрации города Екатеринбурга Александр Якоб подписал актуализированный стратегический проект «Чистый воздух», направленный на стабилизацию экологической обстановки и снижение темпов роста загрязнения атмосферного воздуха. В разработке документа приняли участие представители науки, общественности, бизнеса и власти, которые провели масштабную аналитическую работу и выработали основные направления развития.
Сейчас на маршруте работает два автобуса (РАСПИСАНИЕ)
Выручка ГК "Дикси" за январь-сентябрь 2015 года выросла на 19.8% до 197.418 млрд руб. со 164.858 млрд руб. годом ранее. Об этом говорится в сообщении компании. За этот период компания открыла 408 магазинов. Выручка ГК "Дикси" за сентябрь 2015 го
Летать самолетами зарубежных авиакомпаний им запрещено.
Russian attack helicopters are making a show of force in Syria.
С территории строящегося дома исчезла вагон-бытовка со всем инструментом.
Как уже сообщал, в Москве открыт памятник Федору Черенкову. Он установлен у Южной трибуны «Открытие Арены», которая теперь носит имя прославленного спартаковца.
Читать дальше...Злоумышленник сжигал чужие дачи, заметая следы краж
В следующую субботу, 24 октября, в клубе «Северная ладья» пройдет открытый блиц-турнир по русским шашкам.
Участок "Барнаульского дрожжевого завода" прекратит деятельность на три месяца.
We don't want to get alarmist on you, but the future of food production is moving out of the fields and into the labs -- just like science fiction predicted. It's clear with the onslaught of processed foods that have taken over our grocery aisles. It's further proven with new products like Soylent. And lab-grown meat is just one more step in that direction.
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When you think of Ugg boots, you probably think of the year 2003. And that's fair. The Australian company highjacked the retail market in the early aughts (along with Juicy tracksuits and Von Dutch hats) and today they have basically become a dirty word. But we want to let you in on a little secret -- the brand is evolving. In fact, over the past few years, Uggs have been getting a makeover. And the results? Well, we'll let you decide for yourselves.
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If you live in a small space, tiny home hacks are your best friends. Anyone can save room by hanging bath towels on a wine rack, or organizing drawers with shoebox lids. But even with all these tips and tricks, there never seems to be enough room for all our stuff.
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Instagram is wonderful because it lets us curate our daily experiences. If you want to wake up to photos of street stylists and coffee snaps, it's possible. If you prefer to lust after cityscapes over lunch, it's all within your control.
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Even though fall has only just begun, we're already finding ourselves in a bit of a style rut. Maybe it's because we're still sad that summer is over, or perhaps it's because we are still refusing to wear tights, but one way or another, we constantly find ourselves saying, "I have nothing to wear."
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Зарплаты в «Динамо» - как сокращающийся авторынок в России, каждый день – новости о том, что одному из русских лидеров команды предложили новый контракт на ухудшенных условиях. Агент Алексей Сафонов объясняет, что происходит.
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Witches, wizards and superheroes all know the power of a cape. And while we mere mortals may not be flying around, capes can still take our personal style to great heights. And lucky for us, they're one of fall's biggest trends.
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Most people hear the word pesto and they think basil. That's because the kind of pesto most people are familiar with hails from Liguria, where basil grows abundantly. But pesto can include just about any herb that has been pounded with cheese and nuts, which means that pesto can be enjoyed any time of year, not just during the summer months when basil is plenty.
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We all get a little stuck sometimes.
Constipation can be caused by a host of things: A poor diet, a poor exercise routine and often stress can all contribute to discomfort on the toilet.
In most cases, adding a little extra fiber to your diet can help get things moving. The body can't fully digest the nutrient, so it comes out in the stool while promoting a healthy intestine. Fruits and veggies are naturally full of the stuff, but some individual foods can help make you more regular than others. Читать дальше...
The biggest problem with vegan baking is finding a good egg substitute. Anyone who knows anything about baking can attest to the amazing abilities of eggs, from working as a binding agent to whipping up into the tallest, softest cakes the world has ever known. It is very difficult to find an ingredient that will adequately replace eggs, but flax is your best bet.
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Eckhart Tolle TV is dedicated to providing you with the resources to put his teachings into practice everyday to transform your life, which ultimately transforms the world. In his GPS Guide below, Tolle discusses the deeper meaning of love.
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