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Новости за 08.10.2015

Handelsabkommen: Hillary Clinton erklärt TPP für unzureichend


Mit der ablehnenden Haltung gegenüber dem Handelsabkommen TPP distanziert sich Hillary Clinton von Obamas Wirtschaftspolitik: Der Deal erfüllt in den Augen der Präsidentschaftsbewerberin nicht die hohen Erwartungen.

Наркоторговец из Гусева выплатит государству 11,5 млн рублей (Гусев) 

Черняховский городской суд рассмотрел гражданское дело по иску заместителя прокурора области о взыскании в доход государства с Романо Адомайтиса около 11,5 млн.рублей, приобретённых им результате незаконных финансовых операций по отмыванию денежных средств, полученных от продажи героина.

White House Silent On Torture In Mexico's Missing Students Case

The Huffington Post 

Mexico’s investigation into the disappearance of 43 students has been marred by torture, refuted by journalists and roundly rejected by forensic experts. Yet, even after the office of Mexico's federal attorney general acknowledged last week that security forces tortured at least one key witness before he supposedly confessed to killing the students, the government’s mishandling of the country’s highest-profile human rights case has yet to provoke even a mild scolding from the U.S.

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Guadalajara prepara denuncias por bancarrota técnica

El Financiero 

Debido a que la actual administración municipal de Guadalajara se encuentra en bancarrota técnica por contar con menos de 20% de su presupuesto anual para el último trimestre de 2015, el alcalde Enrique Alfaro interpondrá denuncias contra quienes resulten responsables de un posible desvío de recursos.

The Computer Mouse That Roared: Small ISP Attacks FCC Over Net Neutrality

Sputnik International 

The debate about whether or not companies may selectively speed up or slow down users' access to Web sites has until now mostly pitted major internet service providers (ISPs) against the FCC, which maintains that doing so severely hinders communication; however, now a small ISP claims that the rules pose a threat to cutting-edge services.

Barcelona, capital del móvil robado

El Pais 

La ciudad es un quebradero de cabeza para las operadoras de telefonía, víctimas de los fraudes millonarios de mafias que saquean las tarjetas SIM sustraídas a turistas