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Новости за 03.10.2015

Nouvelle vague de frappes russes dans le centre et le nord de la Syrie


DAMAS, Syrie ? Les avions russes ont poursuivi leur offensive en Syrie, samedi, attaquant des cibles appartenant au groupe armé État islamique (ÉI) et d'autres groupes d'insurgés dans le centre et le nord de la Syrie, selon des sources militaires syriennes et russes.

4 shot across Chicago since Friday night

Chicago Sun-Times 

Four people have been wounded in shootings across the city since Friday night. Most recently, a man was shot in the leg in the Humboldt Park neighborhood on the West Side. The 20-year-old was walking in the 800 block of North Lawndale about noon Saturday when he heard shots and realized he’d been hit, police […]

Кирилл Терлеев: «Пропавший ведущий» на голову сильнее 

Нашумевший кейс "Пропавший ведущий" рекламного агентства "Коперник" завоевал на девятом фестивале социальных коммуникаций "Пора" сразу два золота (в номинациях "Интернет" и "Рекламные кампании") и был одним из главных претендентов на гран-при. О ярком проекте "Новому Омску" рассказал креативный директор агентства "Коперник" Кирилл Терлеев.

Goal 18: Global Development Goals and Heritage Preservation

The Huffington Post 

World leaders came together last week in New York City and adopted a set of relevant, achievable and measurable goals to lift the world out of poverty and hunger, address climate change and take action for the betterment of human lives everywhere.

All 17 goals adopted are important and key to achieving sustainable development. But just as important is the protection and preservation of our global cultural heritage. It was a glaring omission. Relegated to two general targets under Goal 4 (4.7) and Goal 11 (11.4)... Читать дальше...