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Новости за 01.10.2015

Syrie. La Russie sommée de ne frapper que Daech

Le Telegramme 

Le président français François Hollande a déclaré ce vendredi avoir insisté auprès de son homologue russe Vladimir Poutine pour que les raids russes ne frappent que Daech (acronyme arabe de l'Etat...

Pourquoi certains nœuds glissent-ils et d’autres non ?

Pour la Science 

Une nouvelle approche combinée entre topologie et mécanique donne une bonne description des propriétés des nœuds les plus simples. Un pas crucial vers la modélisation de nœuds plus complexes.

Kasich seeks balance, pitches his experience during Q-C stop

«The Quad-City Times» ( 

Making a rare appearance in Iowa, Republican presidential hopeful John Kasich called himself a reformer in Davenport on Wednesday, but he urged a more pragmatic approach to governing than some…

Girls soccer completes perfect conference week

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

The La Crescent High School girls soccer team found its stride in the Three Rivers Conference last week as it swept the three contests it competed in. That improved its record to 8-3 overall, …

Make your money matter: Invest for impact

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

With our annual luncheon approaching this month, it’s time to measure the impact of Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation’s dollars across our 20-county region. Through loans, grants and ho…

The Rev. Dennis Gene Pettyjohn

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

The Rev. Dennis Gene Pettyjohn, 67, of Owatonna, died Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015, at his home.

Retire from fire

«La Crosse Tribune» ( 

A couple La Crescent firefighters admit it’s not getting any easier keeping up with the young guys, so they’ve decided it’s time to hang up their turnout gear.

В Петербурге живодер отрезал голову лебедю

Блог сайта «Neva.Today» 

Житель Петербурга жестоко убил белого лебедя, жившего в пруду на Пискаревском кладбище. По словам горожан, спустя месяц после инцидента 38-летнего живодера так и не привлекли к ответственности.

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