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Новости за 30.09.2015

Charter question sparks tense dialogue between Board of Ed leaders

Chicago Sun-Times 

Before Chicago’s appointed Board of Education adjourned for executive session, its new president routinely asked if any of his six colleagues present had any questions about what they had been listening to for nearly four hours. And the long-serving vice president, who had been unceremoniously passed over a few months ago to lead the group […]

Саргсян: мы осуществим правовые и военно-политические шаги для обеспечения безопасности Армении и НКР

Arka (Армения) 

Армянская сторона предпримет необходимые правовые и военно-политические шаги для обеспечения безопасности Армении и Нагорно-Карабахской Республики, в случае продолжения агрессивной политики Азербайджана, сказал президент Армении Серж Саргсян, выступая на 70-й сессии Генассамблеи ООН.

Beneath the Surface of the African Trophy Hunting Debate

The Huffington Post 

Cecil the Lion in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe. Image courtesy of Daughter#3 via flickr

Now that the deafening noise around the tragic death of Cecil the Lion has finally subsided, it's time for some more reasoned debate. Please try to leave your emotions at the door. They are not helping anyone, least of all the wildlife that many of you claim to care so much about.

What an insane racket you all made. Let's reflect a little:

Many of you around the world who apparently... Читать дальше...

ОҚО-да мұғалім оқушыны тапсырманы қайталауды сұрағаны үшін соққыға жыққан


АСТАНА. ҚазАқпарат - Шымкент қаласының Мартөбе аудандық мектебінде мектеп директорының тәрбие жұмыс жөніндегі орынбасары қызметін қоса атқаратын бастауыш әскери даярлық пәнінің мұғалімі оқушыны тапсырмалы қайталауды сұрағаны үшін соққыға жыққан.

NASA Confirms Discovery of Water Theme Park on Mars

The Huffington Post 

Using images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, NASA scientists have confirmed the discovery of a water theme park on the planet Mars. "The roughly two-square-mile area known as Six Flags Olympus Mons apparently provided an assortment of exciting rides and Martian family entertainment," said researcher Helmut Richtaffler. "Our best guess is that the entire facility was abandoned when season passes became progressively more expensive, followed by a disastrous expansion into Euro-Six Flags Olympus Mons."

In addition... Читать дальше...

Becoming Un-American: Political Othering and Proving Carson Wrong

The Huffington Post 

Two years ago, I attended a mock-government conference that changed my life. After spending months crafting legislation, running for the office of Senator in a mock election, and preparing myself to represent Maryland at the Girl's Nation civic program, I found myself standing before a group of empowered young women who had decided that I was fit to be their President and the representative of every branch of the National and State programs created by the American Legion Auxiliary. It made sense... Читать дальше...

For the Ahmeds I Know

The Huffington Post 

انا احمد
I am Ahmed.

Other than the alphabets and counting from zero to ten, that is all I can remember from five years of learning Arabic during my elementary school years in Dubai. Ana Ahmed. I am Ahmed. It's the first sentence we were taught when learning conversational Arabic. Much like when I learned "Soy Isabel" in 6th grade Spanish when I moved to Florida.

A couple of weeks ago, a 14-year-old boy named Ahmed brought to school his homemade digital clock. He showed it to his engineering teacher... Читать дальше...

Учёные: дети развиваются лучше, если сказки на ночь им читают отцы


Научные сотрудники Гарвардского университета провели интересное исследование, которое показало, что на развитие детей положительное влияние оказывают отцы, причем в том, случае если читают им на ночь сказки, сообщает