Новости по-русски

Новости за 24.09.2015

Предприниматели Читы получили грантовую поддержку

ИА «Забвести.ру» 

Начинающие субъекты предпринимательства смогли получить гранты в форме субсидий начинающим субъектам малого предпринимательства. А действующие субъекты предпринимательства имели возможность возместить часть затрат, связанных с приобретением, получить поддержку на уплату первого взноса (аванса) по договорам лизинга оборудования.

С чего начиналась пшеница, или замолвим слово о полбе

ИА «Амител» (Барнаул) 

Полба – древнейшая культурная разновидность пшеницы, незаслуженно забытый злак, крайне богатый полезными веществами, многие из которых уникальны. Почему полбу перестали выращивать в прежних масштабах? Попробуем разобраться...

Trouble brewing

The Spectator 

‘Milk?…Milk!’ rages Nirmal Sethia, clutching the side of the table in ill-disguised apoplexy. ‘If you put in milk and sugar then you have destroyed the taste! Destroyed it!’ I apologise… Read more

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Why Putin backs Assad

The Spectator 

At the outset of Syria’s brutal four-year civil war, I was an almost unique voice in the British media deploring the push to depose the secular dictator President Bashar al-Assad,… Read more

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‘Money, money, money’

The Spectator 

The Dalai Lama is a connoisseur of absurdity. When we met in London on Monday I reminded him that two years ago, desperate to resume relations with China, No. 10… Read more

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The great British kowtow

The Spectator 

Any British Prime Minister who meets the Dalai Lama knows it will upset the Chinese government — but for decades, no British Prime Minister has much cared. John Major met… Read more

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Conscription and democracy

The Spectator 

From ‘The will of the majority’, The Spectator, 18 September 1915: The minority may declare, as have some of the trade union leaders, that they are the people—though in reality they… Read more

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Tom Holland

The Spectator 

Jeremy Corbyn has been compared to plenty of people over the past few months — a geography teacher, Michael Foot, Brian from the Monty Python film — but my favourite… Read more

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26 September 2015

The Spectator 

Home In a speech at the Shanghai stock exchange, George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced a feasibility study into the trading of Chinese and British shares in both… Read more

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The Pope’s moment

The Spectator 

On Tuesday, Pope Francis set foot in the United States for the first time in his life. His plane touched down at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, where American presidents… Read more

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Dope ‘em up

The Spectator 

Australian athletes only managed to get two silvers at the Beijing World Athletics Championships. But the good news is that one of them, Jared Tallent, is now a shoo-in for… Read more

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Culture buff

The Spectator 

The popularity of Writers’ Festivals is a growing cultural phenomenon matched by the boom in book groups. Now, book groups have been around for quite some time but I’m only… Read more

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King Cnut

The Spectator 

Next year will see the millennium of Cnut becoming King of England. It is an anniversary which must be high on the radar of many of the politicians in Canberra.… Read more

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