Hungary: Migrants Crossing Border from Serbia Are an ‘Armed Mob’
Hungarian officials upped security efforts on the Serbian border in an effort to stop migrants from crossing into Hungarian territory.
Hungarian officials upped security efforts on the Serbian border in an effort to stop migrants from crossing into Hungarian territory.
The Bayern captain praised the side's wariness of the opposition counter-attack and said the Bavarians enjoyed the atmosphere in Greece
Растут опасения развития долгового кризиса
“National Post”, Канада Эндрю Фоксол (Andrew Foxall)
LONDON — Сирия разрушена. Гражданская война, длящаяся уже больше четырех лет, превратила страну в руины. Непримиримое Исламское государство Ирака и Леванта контролирует обширные области на севере и востоке страны, а варварский режим президента Башара аль-Асада защищает свою цитадель - Дамаск.
У Западных держав — Соединенных Штатов, Канады и Европы — нет хороших вариантов в войне с Исламским государством, но и ничего не предпринимать они не могут. Читать дальше...
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed a decree on Wednesday, introducing sanctions against hundreds of individuals and legal entities. The list includes dozens of journalists, among them employees of the BBC, El Pais, Die Zeit and RT's Ruptly.
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The US Border Patrol detained Cuban migrants that had floated ashore to Miami Beach, Florida, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Public Affairs Spokesperson Keith Smith told Sputnik.
A shifty-looking guy in '70s duds sits in a parked car, window open, reading a paper. A motorcyclist pulls up beside him and — before Shifty can even fully finish his inevitable "What the fuck?" — shoots him in the head. This is the scene from Scott Cooper's "Black Mass" where the immense familiarity of the entire endeavor may strike you, but not because we've all seen played out several times before — here you might notice what is missing, what is, for want of a better word, wrong. The generally strong score (by "Mad Max... Читать дальше...
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FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) — The NFL said the New England Patriots can reinstate the two employees at the center of what a league investigation found was a scheme to use improperly inflated footba…
FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) — The NFL said the New England Patriots can reinstate the two employees at the center of what a league investigation found was a scheme to use improperly inflated footba…
FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) — The NFL said the New England Patriots can reinstate the two employees at the center of what a league investigation found was a scheme to use improperly inflated footba…
FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) — The NFL said the New England Patriots can reinstate the two employees at the center of what a league investigation found was a scheme to use improperly inflated footba…
Голливудская звезда Джонни Депп посетил Международный фестиваль кино в Торонто, где был показан последний фильм с его участием «Черная Месса» (Black Mass). Звезда «Пиратов Карибского моря» сыграл в не...
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