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Podcast: The Playlist Programs A Spoiler Heavy Talk About Alex Garland's 'Ex Machina'


Yeah, yeah, we know. "Avengers: Age Of Ultron" sequel took its expected gigantic chomp out of this weekend's box office. But we're not here to talk about that. Instead, on our latest podcast, we discuss a film that is quietly becoming a sleeper sensation: "Ex Machina."

But no matter, because there's so much to discuss with Alex Garland's directorial debut, and, with its modestly successful expansion onto more than 1200 screens across the US last week, we thought it was well worth our time (and yours, dear reader) to dive into the film and discuss it in depth, as well as Garland's career so far. Ever since Oli Lyttelton's rave A grade review back in January (when it opened in the UK), where he called it the "first great film of 2015," we've been singing the praises for "Ex Machina." On this episode, I'm joined by Joe Von Appen, my co-host on another film podcast, Adjust Your Tracking, as well as Playlist Editor-in-Chief,...