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Watch: Tom Hardy Faces Off Against Charlize Theron In The First 6 Clips From ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’

Watch: Tom Hardy Faces Off Against Charlize Theron In The First 6 Clips From ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Promo wise, “Mad Max: Fury Road” sealed the deal a long time ago. Skeptical about a reboot/do-over in the “Mad Max” series, with a new actor taking over for the role made iconic by Mel Gibson? While that might have been a concern 12 months ago, when the first trailer hit at Comic-Con last year, any fears fans had flew out the window and a fever pitch anticipation started bubbling over. That heat has not abated over the last few months, and every TV spot and new trailer just whips fans into a frenzy. So, the geek crowd is sold, hell hardcore movie fans of any stripe are sold. But the main question remains, does it translate further? Tom Hardy has yet to prove himself as a box office draw, and while Charlize Theron is bankable, director George Miller’s admitted he’s essentially constructed a movie that is a two hour chase scene with little to no dialogue. Which is pretty damn bold when you consider this is a $100 million-plus budgeted blockbuster that hopes to spawn a franchise and...