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Lexi Alexander Says She Wishes Marvel Had Made Creative Decisions On 'Punisher: War Zone' Instead Of Lionsgate


One of the most vocal voices about the role of female filmmakers in Hollywood, and the blockbuster system in general, is "Punisher: War Zone" director Lexi Alexander (who we listed in our 10 Female Directors Who Deserve More Attention From Hollywood). Her woes during the making the Marvel movie are well documented, and while she's gone on record as being happy with the finished product, in a new interview posted to her blog with Les InRockuptibles, she says she wishes she had more direct involvement with the comic book company on a creative level.

"My relationship with them was different than those of the other filmmakers they work with because Lionsgate had the rights to Punisher and paid for the movie," she explains. "Marvel was an equal partner, but unfortunately when there were creative decision conflicts, Marvel would let Lionsgate be the tie breaker. I always regretted that I made a Marvel movie this way, because 99% of their notes were much better...