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Watch: Lake Bell & Simon Pegg Get Romantically Mixed-Up In The First Trailer For ‘Man Up’


Apart from acquitting himself well in the romantic scenes in Edgar Wright films, the perpetually charming Simon Pegg doesn't have a great track record with respect to romantic comedies (see the dreadful “Hector And The Search For Happiness”), yet that could change with “Man Up,” a British romcom produced by Nira Park, Wright’s longtime producer. The script is written by Tess Morris and was featured on the 2011 Brit List, which bodes well. 

Starring Pegg and Lake Bell, the film centers around a chaotic first date between a recent divorcee and a disillusioned singleton involving lost divorce papers, a stalker and some competitive indoor sport. You can probably guess who plays who. A StudioCanal chief called the film a “big UK, feelgood rom-com." The official synopsis:

 Nancy (Lake Bell), is done with dating. 10 times bitten, 100 times shy, she’s exhausted by the circus. So when Jack (Simon Pegg) blindly mistakes her for his...