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Jonathan Nolan Says His Original Ending To 'Interstellar' Was “Much More Straightforward”


As anyone who followed the run-up to the release of Christopher Nolan's "Interstellar" last year knows, the project didn't start with him. It was actually eyed by Steven Spielberg long before Nolan came on board, and had a script by Jonathan Nolan, with input from science brain Kip Throne. Once the older Nolan came onboard to direct, he made significant changes his brother's script (among them, Murph was a boy in the first drafts of the screenplay), and what you saw on the big screen was Christopher's take on the material. According to Jonathan, his version had a conclusion that was less cerebral and more science based. **Spoilers ahead**

Okay, so we know that in "Interstellar" Matthew McConaughy's Cooper flung himself into the black hole, Gargantua, and landed in the fifth dimensional Galactic Bookcase of timelines, which he uses to speak to his daughter with sand. Or something. At that point in the movie, you're kinda just going with it, but according to...