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Sweden election: Anti-EU party rises in towns where ‘everything is falling to pieces’


Mining town Ljusnarsberg is one of many densely-populated towns where a spike in the amount of asylum seekers swarming to the EU member state has triggered a surge in support for the anti-immigration, anti-EU party led by Mr Lofven.

This, coupled with a boost from other areas such as Kopparberg, which has also swung to the right in recent years, could see him scoop a victory over the ruling Social Democrats.

Mats Larsson, the Sweden Democrat’s top politician in Ljusnarsberg, said: “I think people here want to see a change, they want society to be like it used to be.”

Kopparberg’s population is higher than that of Ljusnarsberg, but several school closures have seen it retain just one school called Kyrkbacks for six to 15 year olds in the entire region. Kopparberg has also struggled to recruit enough doctors to serve the community after the country took in 163,000 immigrants from from war-torn Syria and Afghanistan in 2015.

Many of these new arrivals were minors, meaning schools were brimming with children and teachers have been stretched to their limits.

Anne-Marie Hagglun, assistant headteacher of Kyrkbacks school, said families just showed up with their migration papers.

She said: “They came back day after day until we could take in their children.” Up to 260 of the refugees have now gone on to other locations, according to the Migration Agency, but unease among the locals has remained.

One woman, called Ulrika who refused to provide her last name, said women are scared to walk the streets at night.

She said: “There are lots of robberies. I think a lot of it is to do with immigration.”

Cuts to public services has left residents in Kopparberg with the nearest police station being 25 miles away in Lindesberg. Kopparberg brewery worker Staffan Myrman said: “Of course, we should help people.

“But when 25 to 30 percent of the population are refugees, we need to be able to cope with that and we can’t.”

But while worries over immigration explain some of the Sweden Democrat’s gains, unease about economic and social change also plays a role.

Ljusnarsberg Liberal party politician Hendrik Bijloo said: “It is a target to point your anger at. “Of course there are racists voting for the Sweden Democrats, but they are not even close to a majority.”

It is not just rural areas like Ljusnarsberg where the Sweden Democrats have thrived.

A spate of gang killings and car-burnings have sharpened concerns that authorities are losing control in poorer city suburbs where immigrants make up the majority of the population.

The election in Sweden will take place this weekend on September 9, in what has been dubbed the most complicated ballot in Swedish history. The Sweden Democrats has almost doubled its backing since the 2014 election when the party received 12.9 percent of the votes.