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Hurricane Gordon: SHOCK satellite video shows 75mph gusts CRASH into US within HOURS


Gordon is expected to make landfall on the Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday evening at around 7pm local time (1am BST).

Gordon formed near the southern tip of Florida on Monday before making landfall and sweeping across the Gulf of Mexico.

The tropical storm is expected to turn into a hurricane and make landfall near Mississippi with expects claiming it could potentially turn into a Category 1 Hurricane once it hits.

Meteorologist Bruce Katz warned of the dangerous conditions as the storm nears with a weather chart showing winds of 75mph as the system makes landfall. He said: “Right now Tropical Storm warnings in effect and Hurricane warnings to our east along the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

“Again it looks like Gordon will still make landfall to the east of us around 5pm to 9pm tonight as it moves on it.

“Then eventually by tomorrow morning moving well north into Jackson and then further north beyond that into Thursday and Friday.”

Shocking satellite footage then showed the powerful storm sweeping towards the US.

Katz added: “So, in the Gulf, here it comes, from the south-east to the north-west. Moving at around 15mph. It looks like Gordon will still make landfall to the east of us around 5pm to 9pm tonight Meteorologist Bruce Katz “On the satellite and the radar composite, it does indicate that the storm is heavily weighted with heaviest rains on the eastern side.”

The weather forecaster also warned the “hurricane force winds” could cause “power outages” as the storm moves inland.

Some experts have claimed the chances of Gordon becoming a hurricane are reducing.

AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Alex Sosnowski said: “Fast movement and wind shear have been limiting the intensity of Gordon on Tuesday, but the storm will be monitored closely for strengthening into Tuesday evening as the water is quite warm. «Gordon is running out of time to strengthen to a Category 1 hurricane. However, there are still significant risks to lives and property from a tropical storm.»

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards declared a state of emergency in southeast Louisiana on Monday afternoon as the storm neared.

President Donald Trump tweeted: “Everyone in the path of #Gordon please heed the advice of State and local officials and follow @NHC_Atlantic for updates. The Federal Government stands ready to assist. Be safe!”

The latest update from the NOAA reads: “Gordon is moving toward the northwest near 15 mph (24 km/h) and this general motion is expected to continue until landfall occurs tonight along the north-central Gulf coast. A northwestward motion with some decrease in forward speed is expected after landfall, with a gradual turn toward the north-northwest and north forecast to occur on Friday. “On the forecast track, the center of Gordon will make landfall along the north-central Gulf Coast within the hurricane warning area this evening or tonight, and then move inland over the lower Mississippi Valley through Wednesday.

“Data from NOAA Doppler weather radars indicate that maximum sustained winds have increased to near 70 mph (110 km/h) with higher gusts.

“Some additional strengthening is still possible, and Gordon could become a hurricane before landfall occurs along the north-central Gulf Coast this evening.

“Rapid weakening is forecast after Gordon moves inland.”