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11 Films To See In March


With spring upon us, and the awards season passed, March is the perfect month for the movies to start fresh and anew.  Now we enter what has become in recent years a very good time to be going to the movies, when smaller, stranger, foreign and more challenging works come to cinemas. Since January and February are overshadowed by some weak releases and the awards race, 2015 really feels like it’s starting now.

In this writer’s opinion, the next two months are where gems are uncovered. There are two concurrent races going on this March, both with the same goal: beat the summer bloodbath. A host of smaller distributors will fight for screens to get their tougher fare seen in theaters, while major studios start releasing tentpole-like movies (a few made the cut below) to see if they gross summer dollars before the real deal starts in May. It leads to a time of year that’s kinda quiet at the movies, but actually exciting if you’re really paying attention.

So let’s celebrate a new...