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Rooney Mara Says ‘The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’ Sequel Is Probably Dead


If you’ve been paying attention to this blog for a few years — or really any outlet that has tracked the back-and-forth drama — you’ll know we’ve been saying it’s very unlikely there will be a sequel to David Fincher’s “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.” Released in 2011 — and losing momentum by the minute — the sequel grossed $102 million in the U.S. and only $232 million worldwide after a thirteen-week run. As a global best-seller a la “Fifty Shades Of Grey”— which in contrast has already grossed $409 million globally after two weeks — this is a major underperformance.

Add on top of that drama that Fincher fought tooth and nail with producer Scott Rudin and former Sony honcho Amy Pascal every step of the way, right down to the casting of Rooney Mara (who no one at the studio one really liked for the gig). And that's not to mention the huge financial expenses outside of the actual production. Fincher and Rudin were being paid exorbitant sums, as was superstar screenwriter...