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Exclusive: Cenk Uygur Goes Online In Clip From Documentary 'Mad As Hell'


In a climate where even titans of national journalism parrot political speaking points to maintain their sources rather than offer the kind of incisive, questioning reporting we want, Cenk Uygur is looking to making a mark. The upcoming documentary, "Mad As Hell," follows his journey from YouTube sensation to MSNBC star, and his battle to maintain the integrity that brought him his fame.

Directed by Andrew Napier, the story centers on Uygur — the host and founder of The Young Turks, the brash, no-holds-barred online news channel — who shot to stardom thanks to his bracing honesty and forthright opinions. He started humbly on public access television before graduating to Sirius radio, and, as you'll see in this exclusive clip below, his next idea made him a pioneer in online broadcasting.

"Mad As Hell" opens in select cinemas on February 6th and will also be available on VOD. Watch the clip below and check out the trailer and poster.