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The 10 Best Films Of 2001


With 2015 upon us, we figured it was a good time to look back on the movies the millennium has brought us. And so we've dug into the archives and are re-running our Best of the 2000s pieces, from way back in 2009 when the Playlist was a little Blogspot site held together with tape and string. Each list runs down the top 10 films of each year. Check out 2000 right here, and today we continue with 2001. The original piece follows below, and thanks to staffers past and present who contributed.

What was the state of cinema in 2001? Oscar-wise, the Academy Awards made some bold nominations, but of course awarded the safer "Gladiator" in favor of Steven Soderbergh's far superior "Traffic." Still, Soderbergh did pull off the feat of being nominated twice in the same directorial category for his drug trade drama and "Erin Brockovich" (he would win for "Traffic" and Julia Roberts would take Best Actress for 'Brockovich'). At Cannes, Michael...