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Dick Poop Mistake During 2015 Oscar Nominations Sparks Hilarious Twitter Reactions

Dick Poop Mistake During 2015 Oscar Nominations Sparks Hilarious Twitter Reactions

Jennifer Aniston, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Amy Adams weren't nominated for an Oscar by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences on Thursday, Jan. 15 — but Dick Poop was. Academy president Cheryl Boone Isaacs incorrectly announced Dick Pope's name in the Cinematography category for his work in Mr. Turner, which led to a slew of hilarious reactions via Twitter.

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Several tweeters teased Isaacs' embarrassing mistake, while others compared it to John Travolta's memorable flub at the 2014 Oscars, where he introduced Idina Menzel as "Adele Dazeem." 


But most of all, viewers of this morning's nomination ceremony found it funny that Dick Pope, seemingly the easiest name to pronounce in the category, was the one Isaacs stumbled on. After all, Pope is also nominated alongside Birdman's Emmanuel Lubezki, The Grand Budapest Hotel's Robert Yeoman, Unbroken's Roger Deakins, and Ida's Lukasz Zal and Ryszard Lenczewski

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Nevertheless, Isaacs bounced back and laughed off the incident. Into the Woods' Chris Pine, who presented with her, kept quiet.

As for Pope himself? He later commented about the humorous situation and his nomination to USA Today. "You know what, I have been called a lot worse in my time. I don't think twice about anything like that. I am happy to be nominated," he said. "I have never been on Twitter and I don't know what trending means. I am completely naive," he added. "All I know is that I have a lot of e-mails here saying I am trending on Twitter. They might as well be saying I am landing on the moon, as far as I am concerned."

Read some of the best Twitter reactions below:


The 87th Annual Academy Awards will air live on Sunday, Feb. 22, on ABC.

Watch the "Dick Poop" flub in the video above now!

This article originally appeared on Dick Poop Mistake During 2015 Oscar Nominations Sparks Hilarious Twitter Reactions