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"No Validity Whatsoever": Sony Squashes Spider-Man/'Avengers: Infinity Wars' Rumor


Move along, nothing to see here. That's what Sony is essentially saying as yesterday, once again, rumors were revived about the studio loaning the webslinger back to Marvel so they could use the character. The story goes that Marvel initially wanted Peter Parker for the upcoming "Captain America: Civil War," but when the deal couldn't be done in time, a handshake was made for Spidey to pop up in "The Avengers: Infinity Wars Part 1" instead. But alas, it appears that chatter was just that...chatter.

Comic Book Resources reached out to their rep at Sony Pictures to comment on the story, and were told it was an "old rumor" with "no validity whatsoever." To be fair, while the scenario was plausible and Sony and Marvel did discuss the matter (revealed by the Sony hacks), the logistics involved are likely knotty. Does Sony really want let their sole superhero property walk into a rival's franchise? A key issue was creative control, and was Sony...