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In A (Semi)-Perfect World Here's What Our 2015 Oscar Nominations Would Have Looked Like

In A (Semi)-Perfect World Here's What Our 2015 Oscar Nominations Would Have Looked Like Hey, we’re always the first to say that fretting (or worse, being totally outraged) over the Oscar nominations is a fool’s game. It is what it is, and the idea of judging art like sports is pretty strange. Still, it's a game we like to play nonetheless, and we've already listed our snubs and surprises regarding this morning's Academy Award nods. But what if we got to pick the nominees?  Overall, the 2015 Oscar nominations are not bad all in terms of quality picks. That said, there are some different choices we would've made. But in doing this exercise, we're not just going for pure wish-list choices that would've never had a chance in hell of being nominated (even if "Under The Skin" topped our list of the Best Films Of 2014, it was never going to land with Academy voters). These are more plausible, "within reason" choices given the narrative of the awards season in 2014 and how the guilds voted this year. So yeah, it's a bit of compromise: given...