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Brad Pitt, Christian Bale & Ryan Gosling Team For 'Traffic'-Esque Housing Crisis Drama 'The Big Short'

Brad Pitt, Christian Bale & Ryan Gosling Team For 'Traffic'-Esque Housing Crisis Drama 'The Big Short' Say you want to make a movie about of the financial crisis of the mid-aughts. It doesn't sound like the most enticing proposition for blockbuster-driven studios these days, does it? Okay, now attach three hot slices A-list of hunkdom in the lead roles…guess what, your movie gets made! Variety reports that Brad Pitt, Christian Bale and Ryan Gosling— who it must be said are also extremely talented on top of their chiseled features— will star in "The Big Short." The film will be an adaptation of "Moneyball" writer Michael Lewis' bestseller. Here's the book synopsis:  The real story of the crash began in bizarre feeder markets where the sun doesn't shine and the SEC doesn't dare, or bother, to tread: the bond and real estate derivative markets where geeks invent impenetrable securities to profit from the misery of lower--and middle--class Americans who can't pay their debts. The smart people who understood what was or might be happening were paralyzed...