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Mike Leigh Says Quentin Tarantino's Battle To Save Celluloid Is "Twaddle & Bollocks"

Mike Leigh Says Quentin Tarantino's Battle To Save Celluloid Is Well, no one died over the holidays so there’s that, but it wouldn’t be the start of a new year without some sort of beef. No, it’s not Quentin Tarantino’s Best Films of the Year list where he inevitably throws some filmmaking colleague under the bus — see his swipe at Nicolas Winding Refn and others in 2012 — but it is related to the “Django Unchained” director. Tarantino has been extremely vocal about the cinematic industrial complex’s move away from celluloid towards digital technologies. Theaters have largely converted — see the problems that plagued the theatrical project of Christopher Nolan’s celluloid-projected “Interstellar” — and filmmakers and studios have followed suit. And apart from directors like Nolan, Tarantino, Judd Apatow and J.J. Abrams banding together to prevent Kodak from stopping production of film stock the format is having a rough go of hanging on. As Paul Thomas Anderson recently said, even this effort it “still a temporary reprieve. The...