Peter Jackson Says ‘Hobbit: Battle Of The Five Armies’ Extended Cut Will Be About 30 Minutes Longer
If you can actually believe it, Peter Jackson’s final movie in the ‘Hobbit’ trilogy, “The Hobbit: Battle Of The Five Armies,” is actually his shortest in length. In fact, the economic two-hour, and twenty-four-minute running time is actually the most concise of the entire ‘Lord Of The Rings’ sextology. ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’ and ‘Two Towers’ are both just shy of three hours, ‘Return of The King’ is the epic at just over three hours and twenty minutes, ‘An Unexpected Journey’ is two hours and forty nine minute and ‘The Desolation of Smaug’ clocks in at two hours and forty one minutes. Comparatively, ‘Battle Of The Five Armies’ is pretty brisk, especially when you consider that it features a 45-minute battle sequence. Perhaps Jackson has been listening to some of the complaints that his movies run far too long.
Of course there’s an extended version in the works, however, and during the press day for the film overseas, Jackson revealed, “the extended cut, which will be about...