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Москва и участники Женевских дискуссий не договорились о переносе встреч

Given the loss of Switzerland's neutral status, Moscow, Sukhumi and Tskhinval are actively working on the issue of moving the rounds of the International Discussions on Security and Stability in the Transcaucasus (IDS) from Geneva, but the necessary consensus among all participants in the discussions has not yet been formed. The Russian Foreign Ministry told Izvestia.

"In this regard, we would consider it premature to talk about another negotiation "point" and possible terms of "relocation". It is important to understand the criteria for selecting a new venue for the MDZ rounds. First of all, it is impartiality, i.e. the ability of the authorities of the host country to refrain from any measures detrimental to the interests of any of the participants in the Discussions," they explained.

The diplomatic ministry noted that insisting on moving the rounds to another country, Russia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia continue to advocate for the unconditional preservation of the negotiation format itself, which has proven its relevance.

The 62nd round of the Discussions took place on November 5 and 6 in Geneva. It reached an agreement on holding a new meeting in March 2025.

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Completely out of place: to which country the discussions on the Transcaucasus may be transferred