Journal’s content № 2 2025
Actual theme: Achieving personal results in schoolchildren
R.V. Pazin. The unified state history textbooks for grades 10-11: opportunities for achieving personal results in schoolchildren.
The article analyzes unified state history textbooks for grades 10-11 for the inclusion of didactic units and a system of questions and assignments to create opportunities for teachers to achieve personal results in lessons, as defined in regulatory and methodological documents. It is concluded that the use of the entire line of textbooks allows for a comprehensive formation of personal results in students in all major areas.
Keywords: personal results, history textbook, content education, methodical apparatus.
History and Society
I.S. Ogonovskaya. M.P. Kim and his co-authors of school textbooks on the history of the USSR for high school students (1960s — early 1980s).
The author of the article examines the results of the history textbook competition announced by the USSR Ministry of Education in 1960; shows the role of Soviet historians-representatives of academic science in the creation of teaching aids corresponding to the level of development of historical science in the 1960-1970s; analyzes the problems that arose during the preparation of textbooks and their testing in schools; actualizes the problem of the balance of content and methodological support of educational texts; presents pages from the biographies of the authors of textbooks for high school students.
Keywords: school, historical education, USSR history textbook, history textbook competition of 1960, M.P. Kim, I.B. Berkhin, M.I. Belenky, P.I. Potemkin, V.M. Balev, I.A. Fedosov.
I.S. Novikov. Why did N.S. Khrushchev decide to reinterpret J.V. Stalin’s personality and activities.
The article analyzes the causes which made N.S. Khrushchev revise the legacy of J.V. Stalin by taking the path of «de-Stalinization» and focusing on repressions and their impact on society. The attention is drawn to the methods with which First Secretary managed to come to power and justified his failures by using one person. It is noted that the head of the government was hesitant regarding the appraisal of J.V. Stalin at different stages of being in power that influenced domestic and foreign policies of the USSR.
Keywords: cult of personality, Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, USSR, de-Stalinization, the struggle for power, the 20th Congress of the Communist party of the Soviet Union.
A.V. Grebenshchikov. The program for the development of virgin and fallow lands in the USSR (1954-1960) in Soviet art.
Using the example of the analysis of works of cinematography, painting and graphics, Soviet mass songs devoted to virgin lands, the author of the article draws conclusions about the main artistic styles, genres and images used by the authors of works reflecting the virgin epic.
Keywords: development of virgin and fallow lands in the USSR, Soviet art, Soviet cinema, Soviet fine art, Soviet mass song, representations.
M.V. Vinogradova. P.S. Yurchenko. Dystopias as a methodological tool during social studies (10-11 grade).
The authors of the article analyze the merits of works by russian authors in the dystopian genre as a methodological tool in social studies lessons. Using specific examples, the article shows how the explanatory-illustrative, research and heuristic methods are implemented using works of art.
Keywords: methodological tool, dystopias, advanced level of teaching, system-activity approach, lesson model «station rotation», heuristic methods, research method.
A.N. Turukina. Health-saving technologies in history lessons in the V grade.
The article discusses the elements of health-saving technology used in history lessons: finger games, gymnastics for eyes, games with sand and bulk materials. Technologies tested in the 5th grade of secondary school. Application of the game not only serve as a health-saving technology, but also allow you to form the ability to work with cartographic and illustrative material.
Keywords: health saving technologies, with the evening games, Police games, paycheck gymnastics, gymnastics for eyes.
Uniform State Exam
E.I. Obiedkova. Training in preparation for the Unified State Exam in history: the second quarter of the 19th century.
The training offers original didactic materials for reviewing the topics «Reforms of Nicholas I», «Socio-economic development of the country in the second quarter of the 19th century», «Public movement and national policy during the reign of Nicholas I» in the format of Unified State Exam assignments in history.
Keywords: Russian Empire, domestic policy Nicholas I, Uniform State Exam.
Young scientists’ works
I.F. Sheludyakov. Features of the choice of the direction of economic development of the Kaluga province in the mid-1920s.
The article examines the problem of choosing the direction of economic policy that faced the Soviet leadership in the mid-1920s. During this period, the transition to the NEP ended, and the question arose about the depth of the ongoing market transformations. The article presents a large volume of documents that clearly show how the leaders of the country and the region actively expanded the actions of the market and market relations in the economy in order to maximize consumer demand, first of all, the main strata of the country’s population — workers and peasants. The very expansion of the market contradicted the essence of the ideology of the ruling party. In the first half of the 1920s, the state tried to oust the private trader from the market. However, the forces of state and cooperative trade turned out to be insufficient to organize trade turnover. In 1923-1924, there were cases of unrest among the population, the most striking manifestation of which, the government itself recognized the disruption of local council elections in 1924. Realizing the insufficiency of their forces, the Soviet leadership was forced to use all available resources to develop the economy. The opportunities of private entrepreneurs have become one of the development resources. The documents show that representatives of the Soviet government actively tried to understand the specifics of the work of private entrepreneurs, and, if necessary, interact with them. Documents of non-public surveys of the work of private entrepreneurs have been preserved. Of great interest are the materials of the meeting of private merchants of the city of Kaluga, which took place on June 29, 1925. An analysis of all the submitted materials showed that the leaders of the Kaluga province in 1925, against the background of emerging contradictions, were able to make concessions to private business in order to stabilize the market.
Keywords: new economic policy, private trade, market, Kaluga province.