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Bible Answer Man Hank Hanegraaff On The Incarnation: What Separates Christianity From Every Other Religion


While religions of the world have some similarities, like the

importance of family or mercy, Christianity makes a claim no other religion

makes; that the founder of the faith is God in human form, Jesus. Every other

religion tells followers, “this is the way to God.” But Jesus says, “I

am the way.” Christianity says God has come to us. That means Christmas is

all about the doctrine of the Incarnation, God taking on human flesh, born of a

woman, entering into our world and the conditions under which we live, in order

to save us from ourselves.

The secular culture is very eager to have Christians

pay more attention to superfluous trappings of the season, the glitz and

glamour, rather than the real meaning of Christmas. On this episode of

Lighthouse Faith podcast, Hank Hanegraaff, the Bible Answer Man, explores what

the Incarnation should mean to us, and why the Virgin Mary should be understood

in the fullness of the gift she gave the world in saying “Yes” to

God’s invitation to be the mother of the Savior.

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