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The Light Curves of Two Type II-P Supernovae: 2012ch and 2012fs


Photometric observations of SNe 2012ch and 2012fs show light curves characteristic of type II-P Supernovae. The interstellar extinction for both SNe was estimated by comparison of their color curves with those for well-studied SNe II-P. The absolute magnitudes at the plateau stage are M_R=-17.1 for SN 2012ch and M_R=-16.9 for SN 2012fs, which is close to mean values for the objects of this class. We performed modeling of the light curves of SN 2012ch with the STELLA code, the optimal model has the following parameters: total mass 19M(Sun), radius 900R(Sun), explosion energy 1.5 x 10^(51) erg, mass of (56)Ni 0.07M(Sun)$.