Brianna Lyman: Democrats Have Tried To Make This Entire Election About Abortion Rights
Elections Correspondent for The Federalist Brianna Lyman joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to share her thoughts on billionaire Mark Cuban telling ABC’s “The View” that “you never see” former President Trump around “strong, intelligent women” because they are “intimidating” to him.
“Well, I actually think that he genuinely believes that. And I think part of the Democrats’ message is that they believe women aren’t strong and independent if they don’t want to have, you know, access to murdering babies 24/7. Right? If you don’t comport to their ideology of what makes a woman, which they can’t even define except during an election cycle, If you don’t comport that, they don’t view you as a strong woman because you’re the wrong woman. It’s the same way that when you see, for instance, you know, Senator Tim Scott, how often has he been, you know, insinuate to be the wrong type of black politician because he’s not a Democrat. If you are part of a demographic, whether you’re female, you know, transgender, gay, whatever. If you don’t comport to the strict outline that they’ve created for those voters or for these types of people, then you’re the wrong kind of one.”
Jimmy and Brianna also talk about the hypocritical outrage by Democrats over a joke that was told by a comedian during Trump’s rally at Madison Square Garden last weekend. Listen to the podcast to hear what else they discussed!