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The territory we are talking about was and is the internationally  recognized territory of Azerbaijan - Alen Simonyan 


ArmInfo. No one in the world has recognized Nagorno- Karabakh as an independent entity; it was considered part of the territory of Azerbaijan. This was stated by President of the National Assembly of Armenia Alen Simonyan on October 22, entering into a verbal altercation with the deputy from  the opposition faction "Armenia" Gegham Manukyan.

The parliamentarian, in particular, asked the speaker where he got  the thesis that the UN Security Council resolutions allowed  Azerbaijan to commit aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh.

In response, Simonyan noted that no one in the world has recognized  Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent state. "We are talking about the  law, and there is nothing new in my statements," the Chairman of the  National Assembly said. In response to these statements, Manukyan  recalled that the UN resolutions did not concern the status of  Nagorno-Karabakh, they talked about establishing a ceasefire, and  these documents did not provide any legitimate grounds for aggression  against Nagorno- Karabakh.

In response, Simonyan said that he was ready to discuss the UN  Security Council resolutions, but not in the meeting room. "I  understand that you can cling to every word and build theses on this,  try to prove something. But the fact remains: the territory we are  talking about was and is the internationally recognized territory of  Azerbaijan," the Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of  Armenia said.

Earlier in an interview, Alen Simonyan noted that the attack on  Nagorno-Karabakh and the occupation of Armenian territory are  different things from a legal point of view. According to him,  Azerbaijan carried out the operation in Nagorno-Karabakh, having at  hand "at least 3-4 UN Security Council resolutions." At the same  time, he added that this is not about justifying the war in  Nagorno-Karabakh.