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Movement: Armenian-Azerbaijani border delimitation regulation not  subject to ratification


ArmInfo.The coordinating body of the protest movement Sacred Struggle believes that the Regulation on joint activities of the Commissions on delimitation of the state border and border security between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, goes against the state and national  interests of the Republic of Armenia and is not subject to  ratification. This is outlined in the statement of the Movement.

It notes that all those, who vote in favor of adopting this document,  will bear the responsibility for participating in a process including  elements of obvious treason.  Following the blatantly illegal  decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia on  September 26, the statement says, draft law was submitted to the  National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia for consideration.

"In this regard, it is necessary to note the following: the person  holding the position of Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia has  signed numerous documents, none of which have undergone internal  ratification procedures. Furthermore, the ratification process in  Armenia is taking place without similar steps being taken by  Azerbaijan. This behavior from Baku suggests that Azerbaijan is  trying to fulfill another demand and shift responsibility for  committing a clear state crime from one person to others (such as the  Constitutional Court, members of the National Assembly, the Civil  Contract faction, and voters in the 2021 elections). The absence of  diplomatic relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, coupled with the  threat of force from Azerbaijan, raises doubts about the legitimacy  of the process from the start. 

It is evident that Azerbaijan has no real desire to adhere to the  Alma-Ata Declaration and carry out any process based on it. This is  clear from the fact that the Regulation lacks legal certainty, does  not establish a single legal basis for delimitation and demarcation  and its preamble lays the foundation for only partial delimitation  and demarcation. In other words, this will be another deception  to the population, making it seem as though the process is in  accordance with the Alma-Ata Declaration of 1991. In May, there was  an illegal withdrawal of troops carried out in Tavush and the borders  of the Republic of Armenia were actually changed. However, the  Regulation was only submitted to the Constitutional Court and the  National Assembly a few months after these processes. This further  proves that the process carried out in Tavush in May had nothing to  do with delimitation and demarcation, but was merely a unilateral  concession," the statement reads.

It also notes that Azerbaijan achieved its goal in Tavush through  coercion. Similarly, it will do the same in all places where it  benefits. The sections of the border that benefit Azerbaijan will be  considered demarcated in accordance with this Regulation. After that,  Azerbaijan can prolong this process for years, leaving the Armenian  side without a delimited border, which will be a bomb put under the  process.  Therefore, the movement believes that the bill is not  subject to ratification.