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The Komitas Museum-Institute, with the support of the MESCS of the Republic of Armenia and Ardshinbank, opened the exhibition Paris Meetings



YEREVAN, September 27/ARKA/. On September 26, a temporary exhibition Paris Meetings was opened at the Komitas Museum-Institute, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Margarit Babayan, a pianist, singer, musicologist, teacher and close friend of Vardaped Komitas, who introduced Europe to the music of the great



The exhibition will feature about 150 archival documents and photographs from the Museum of Literature and Art, 4 paintings from the collection of the National Gallery of Armenia, documents and photographs from the Komitas Museum-Institute, as well as from the archive of the Lalua family. Particular attention is paid to the personal correspondence between Komitas and Margarit Babayan. From this, it becomes clear that they were close friends, associates and allies. It was thanks to this friendship that both became unofficial ambassadors of Armenian music around the world: they organized concerts and even founded a choir consisting of Armenian and French singers, where Komitas became the conductor and Margarit performed as a soloist.



The exhibition Paris Meetings was supported by: Ardshinbank, the French Embassy in Armenia, the French University in Armenia, the Veolia Jour company, as well as the Yerevan Brandy Factory. On the same day, a group of intellectuals and employees of the Komitas Museum-Institute laid flowers at Vardapet’s grave and took part in a solemn funeral service.



Speaking about the event, Ardshinbank’s Director of Corporate Business, Armen Gasparyan, in particular, said: As part of its corporate social responsibility strategy, the bank places great emphasis on supporting the arts and preserving the nation's cultural heritage. We have implemented various cultural projects in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia, the Spendiaryan National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, and the Komitas Museum-Institute. Our collaboration with the Komitas Museum-Institute began in 2019, as part of the festival celebrating the 150th anniversary of the composer's birth. Since then, we have supported several initiatives, including the publication of his works, concerts, and the VR project 'Komitas' Study,' which uses 3D modeling to offer visitors a virtual reality tour of the composer's study in Constantinople. These projects undoubtedly broaden the public's understanding of his creative legacy. Today's exhibition is a natural continuation of our collaboration, and we are delighted to have contributed to this project.



Let us recall that in 2019 Ardshinbank, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports, and the Komitas Museum-Institute signed a tripartite agreement, committing the bank to finance activities aimed at preserving and restoring the heritage of the great Armenian composer. -0-
