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Врач дала рекомендации по снижению риска инсульта в пожилом возрасте


Stroke is an acute disruption of blood circulation in the brain, which, as a consequence, leads to organ damage. Elderly people are particularly susceptible to this condition. Anna Biryukova, cardiologist at SM-Clinica, told Izvestia on September 24 about how to reduce the risk of stroke.

She noted that stroke can be ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic stroke occurs against the background of difficulty or complete cessation of blood flow to one or another part of the brain. Hemorrhagic occurs with hemorrhage in the brain tissue.

"There are different factors in the development of stroke. They are divided into two groups. Those that cannot be influenced include: gender (men have a higher risk of developing a stroke), genetic predisposition and age. Fortunately, there are more factors that can and should be influenced. They include: hypertension (high blood pressure), bad habits (smoking and alcohol), sedentary lifestyle, overweight and the presence of certain diseases," - emphasized the specialist.

According to her, the most important factor is to maintain an active lifestyle in old age. It is desirable to engage in moderate sports five days a week for 30 minutes. It is important not to overdo it. Such activities as regular walks, Nordic walking, swimming are suitable for the elderly.

"Of course, the diet is also very important, which should be balanced and healthy. In particular, it is worth limiting foods containing saturated fats, replacing them with those rich in unsaturated fats: red fish, avocados, nuts, vegetable oils. Useful for fat and carbohydrate metabolism are such cereals as buckwheat, wild rice, bulgur, couscous and others. In addition, it is important to consume a sufficient amount of fiber, which is rich in fruits and vegetables," - added the doctor.

Biryukova also noted that in the diet of people with hypertension of table salt should be no more than 1 teaspoon a day. It is important to remember that in many prepared foods it can be contained in large quantities, so this should be monitored.

"Continuing to talk about hypertension, I want to emphasize that in old age it is especially important to keep blood pressure normal. In this disease, this is carried out with the help of hypotensive drugs. However, they should be prescribed only by a doctor. It is important to remember that high blood pressure should be lowered gradually, as its sharp drop can provoke a violation of cerebral circulation like ischemic stroke," - emphasized the specialist.

In addition, the doctor noted that older people often suffer from atrial fibrillation. Its prolonged paroxysms lead to the formation of blood clots in the heart, which can also provoke ischemic stroke.

"In this regard, atrial fibrillation requires immediate treatment and clarification of indications for the prescription of anticoagulants - drugs that prevent thrombosis," - concluded Biryukova.

On September 11, Natalia Mozzhukhina, a neurologist, said that about 10-15% of the total number of strokes in Russia annually occur in young people, with half of the cases ending in severe disability. To the first symptoms of stroke, the doctor attributed speech impairment, facial misalignment, inability to raise arms, "slanting" tongue, sometimes also dizziness, nausea and vomiting. In this case, an ambulance should be called immediately.