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Joe Spent 40% of his Presidency Doing This…


President Joe has spent roughly 40% of his presidency doing this…

I’m Tomi Lahren, find out next.

It may not look like it, but Joe Biden is still our president but perhaps in name and title only. 

Turns out, even BEFORE he was pushed off the ticket and into lame duck status, he still wasn’t spending a whole lot of time at work. 

The RNC crunched the numbers and according to their research, Joe has spent roughly 40% of his presidency- 532 days in less than 4 years- on VACATION!

Get this, the RNC made this shocking comparison, it would take the average American — who gets 11 days a year of vacation — approximately 48 years to accumulate the number of days off Joe has taken while president of the most powerful nation on Earth!

This should anger every American for several reasons. Not only is our president taking more R&R than you- by A LOT- he’s also seemingly unbothered by the optics of it!

How many more times do we have to see footage of him lounging on a beach chair while our country goes down the toilet? 

In recent weeks, it has seemingly become more egregious. 

If he’s not up to the job, he should step aside.

Being a lame duck isn’t an excuse to be a lazy POTUS!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at