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Opposition Armenian MP critical of organization of training camps in  Armenia 


ArmInfo.The training camps held in Armenia not only fail to solve the tasks set, but also create  corruption risks. Secretary of the "I have the honor" faction of the National Assembly of Armenia Tigran Abrahamyan wrote about this on his page on the social network Facebook.

Thus, according to the parliamentarian, the definition of training  camps held in the Armed Forces in Armenian legislation does not  correspond to the process being implemented. "If we are talking about  the implementation of border protection and training, practicing  skills actually intended for combat duty, then this should be  enshrined in law," he notes.

Secondly, Abrahamyan points out, problems related to border  protection and combat duty should be solved primarily by the regular  army, and for this, resources should be directed to the right goals,  and not turn the army into a training ground.

In addition, there is a gap in the issue of determining the circle of  participants in these training sessions, due to which the principle  of fairness is completely violated, Abramyan notes.

and  new training programs for them, with some exceptions, are not  relevant.

Meanwhile, there are citizens who were not called up for the 44-day  war or for various reasons did not show up, or did not attend the  training sessions at all, or attended training sessions 10-15 years  ago.

It turns out that the training sessions do not achieve the set goals,  and the principle of fairness is also violated.

I am not even talking about the of resources, possible  loopholes and risks of corruption>, - the opposition deputy  summarizes.  It should be noted that by decisions of the Cabinet of  Ministers, training camps for reservists are regularly held in  Armenia. It is noted that the camps are announced in order to improve  the military capabilities of reservists, professional retraining and  training reserve officers from warrant officers with higher  education.