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MOESCS announced a call for proposals "PostDoc-Armenia-2025"


ArmInfo. The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Armenia (MONKS) has announced a call for applications for the "PostDoc-Armenia-2025"  competition for foreign researchers in scientific organizations of  the RA.

The  goal of this competition is to pave ground for new  prospective and competitive areas of research with the involvement of  foreign researchers under the umbrella of Armenian research  organizations, as well as to foster international collaboration in  the field of science, involve researchers from overseas and the  Diaspora, and promote the integration of young scientists into the  international research area. According to the press service of the RA  MESCS, foreign scientists born after January 1, 1984, who received  their scientific degree after January 1, 2010, and have not resided  in Armenia for the past 5 years are eligible to participate in the  competition. Additionally, program participants must  be either  citizens or residents of Armenia during the project implementation  and have a mentor from an Armenian scientific organization with an  scientific degree to provide support in research and organizational  matters. Applications for the competition can be submitted online  through the system. The deadline for  submitting the hard copies of the required documents is November 15,  2024. The invitation package for the competition can be accessed at  the link .