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Arms contracts with Iran disinformation - RA MoD


ArmInfo. The Armenian Defense  Ministry called the information about signing arms contracts with  Iran worth $500 million fictitious.

Thus, the press secretary of the Armenian Defense Ministry Aram  Torosyan, in response to ArmInfo's clarification on whether the  information about arms purchases from Iran is true, said, in  particular: "We do not respond to publications of fictitious  content."

As ArmInfo previously wrote with reference to Iran International,  Yerevan and Tehran signed a major agreement on the supply of weapons  worth $500 million.

As an unnamed senior military official in the Middle East told Iran  International, the agreement includes the supply of various types of  weapons and military equipment to strengthen Armenia's defense  capabilities. In particular, we are talking about the Shahid 136,  Shahid 129, Shahid 197 and Mohajer drones. Also, based on this  agreement, the Islamic Republic of Iran will provide Armenia with the  Som Khordad, Majid, 15 Khordad and Arman missile defense systems.

"No report on this arms deal between Tehran and Yerevan has been  published before. The defense and foreign ministries of the Islamic  Republic and Armenia have not responded to Iran International's  questions about this contract," the source notes.

It should be added that according to the media, Iran International is  a non-governmental opposition Persian- language news channel  headquartered in London, which is the most influential source of  independent news in Iran with 33% of its daily audience.

The channel is known to have ties to the Saudi royal family, with  some of its funding coming from people closely associated with them.