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THIS WEEK'S CONTESTS  July 8 - 15, 2024

 July 8 - 15, 2024 
Weekly RTTY Test: 0145Z-0215Z, Jul 12
  Geographic Focus: North America
  Participation: Worldwide
  Mode: RTTY
  Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
  Classes: Single-Op (QRP/Low)
  Max power: LP: 100 watts
             QRP: 5 watts
  Exchange: Name + (state/province/country)
  Work stations: Once per band
  QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
  Multipliers: Each callsign once
  Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
  Submit logs by: July 14, 2024
  E-mail logs to: (none)
  Post log summary at:
  Mail logs to: (none)
  Find rules at:

NCCC Sprint: 0230Z-0300Z, Jul 12
  Geographic Focus: North America
  Participation: Worldwide
  Mode: CW
  Bands: (see rules)
  Classes: (none)
  Max power: 100 watts
  Exchange: Serial No. + Name + QTH
  Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
  Submit logs by: July 14, 2024
  E-mail logs to: (none)
  Post log summary at:
  Mail logs to: (none)
  Find rules at:

K1USN Slow Speed Test: 2000Z-2100Z, Jul 12
  Geographic Focus: Worldwide
  Participation: Worldwide
  Mode: CW
  Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
  Classes: Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
  Max power: HP: >100 watts
             LP: 100 watts
             QRP: 5 watts
  Exchange: Maximum 20 wpm
            Name + (state/province/country)
  Work stations: Once per band
  QSO Points: 1 point per QSO (starting with Jan 4 contest)
  Multipliers: Each state/province/country once per band
               W/VE do not count as country mults (starting with Jan 4 contest)
  Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
  Submit logs by: 2359Z July 14, 2024
  Post log summary at:
  Mail logs to: (none)
  Find rules at:

SKCC Weekend Sprintathon: 1200Z, Jul 13 to 2400Z, Jul 14
  Geographic Focus: Worldwide
  Participation: Worldwide
  Awards: Worldwide
  Mode: CW
  Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6m
  Classes: Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
  Exchange: RST + (state/province/country) + Name + (SKCC No./"NONE")
  Work stations: Once per band
  QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
              Bonus Points: (see rules)
  Multipliers: Each state, province, or country once
  Score Calculation: Total score = (total QSO points x total mults) + bonus points
  Submit logs by: 2359Z July 21, 2024
  Post log summary at:
  Mail logs to: (none)
  Find rules at:

IARU HF World Championship: 1200Z, Jul 13 to 1200Z, Jul 14
  Mode: CW, Phone
  Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
  Classes: Single Op (CW/Phone/Mixed) (QRP/Low/High)
           Single Op Unlimited (CW/Phone/Mixed) (QRP/Low/High)
           Single Op Overlay: Youth
           Multi-Two Low
           IARU Member Society HQ
  Max power: HP: 1500 watts
             LP: 100 watts
             QRP: 5 watts
  Exchange: IARU HQ: RS(T) + IARU Society
            Non-HQ: RS(T) + ITU Zone No.
  Work stations: Once per band per mode
  QSO Points: 1 point per QSO with same zone or with HQ stations
              3 points per QSO with different zone on same continent
              5 points per QSO with different zone on different continent
  Multipliers: Each ITU zone once per band
               Each IARU HQ and each IARU official once per band
  Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
  Submit logs by: 1200Z July 21, 2024
  E-mail logs to: (none)
  Upload log at:
  Mail logs to: ARRL Contest Logs
                IARU HF World Championship
                Box 310905
                Newington, CT 06111
  Find rules at:

QRP ARCI Summer Homebrew Sprint: 2000Z-2300Z, Jul 14
  Mode: CW
  Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
  Classes: All Band
           Single Band
           High Bands
           Low Bands
  Exchange: RST + (state/province/country) + (ARCI no./power)
  Work stations: Once per band
  QSO Points: 5 points per QSO with ARCI member
              4 points per non-member QSO with different continent
              2 points per non-member QSO with same continent
              Bonus Points: 2000 points per band for using homebrew transmitter
              Bonus Points: 3000 points per band for using homebrew receiver
              Bonus Points: 5000 points per band for using homebrew transceiver
              Bonus Points: 5000 points for operating portable with emergency power and temporary antennas
  Multipliers: States, once per band
               VE Provinces, once per band
               Countries, once per band
               Power Mult: >5W=x1, 1-5W=x7, 250mW-1W=x10, 55-250mW=15x, <55mW=20x
  Score Calculation: Total score = (total QSO points x (state mults + province mults + country mults) x power mult) + bonus points
  Submit logs by: July 28, 2024
  E-mail logs to: (none)
  Upload log at:
  Mail logs to: (none)
  Find rules at:

4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint: 0000Z-0200Z, Jul 15
  Geographic Focus: North America
  Participation: Worldwide
  Mode: CW, SSB
  Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
  Classes: Single Op
  Max power: CW: 5 watts, SSB: 10 watts
  Exchange: Member: RS(T) + (State/Province/Country) + Member No.
            Non-member: RS(T) + (State/Province/Country) + Power
  Work stations: Once per band
  QSO Points: 1 point per QSO with non-member
              2 points per QSO with member
  Multipliers: (none)
  Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points
  Submit logs by: July 17, 2024
  E-mail logs to: (none)
  Post log summary at:
  Mail logs to: (none)
  Find rules at:

K1USN Slow Speed Test: 0000Z-0100Z, Jul 15
  Geographic Focus: Worldwide
  Participation: Worldwide
  Mode: CW
  Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
  Classes: Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
  Max power: HP: >100 watts
             LP: 100 watts
             QRP: 5 watts
  Exchange: Maximum 20 wpm
            Name + (state/province/country)
  Work stations: Once per band
  QSO Points: 1 point per QSO (starting with Jan 4 contest)
  Multipliers: Each state/province/country once per band
               W/VE do not count as country mults (starting with Jan 4 contest)
  Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
  Submit logs by: 2359Z July 17, 2024
  Post log summary at:
  Mail logs to: (none)
  Find rules at:

ICWC Medium Speed Test: 1300Z-1400Z, Jul 15
  Geographic Focus: Worldwide
  Participation: Worldwide
  Mode: CW
  Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
  Classes: Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
  Max power: HP: >100 watts
             LP: 100 watts
             QRP: 5 watts
  Exchange: Name + QSO No.
  Work stations: Once per band
  QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
  Multipliers: Each call once
  Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
  Submit logs by: 0400Z July 18, 2024
  Post log summary at:
  Mail logs to: (none)
  Find rules at:

OK1WC Memorial (MWC): 1630Z-1729Z, Jul 15
  Geographic Focus: Worldwide
  Participation: Worldwide
  Mode: CW
  Bands: 80, 40m
  Classes: Single Op All Band (QRP/Low)
           Single Op Single Band (QRP/Low)
  Max power: LP: 100 watts
             QRP: 5 watts
  Exchange: RST + Serial No.
  Work stations: Once per band
  QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
  Multipliers: Each last character of worked station call suffix once per band
  Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
  Submit logs by: 0600Z July 19, 2024
  E-mail logs to: (none)
  Upload log at:
  Mail logs to: (none)
  Find rules at:

RSGB FT4 Contest: 1900Z-2030Z, Jul 15
  Geographic Focus: United Kingdom
  Participation: Worldwide
  Mode: FT4
  Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
  Classes: 100W
  Exchange: Signal report
  QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
              5 points per QSO with HQ stations G#6XX
  Multipliers: Each DXCC country once per band
               Each HQ station G#6XX once per band
  Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
  Submit logs by: 2030Z July 16, 2024
  Upload log at:
  Mail logs to: (none)
  Find rules at:

ICWC Medium Speed Test: 1900Z-2000Z, Jul 15
  Geographic Focus: Worldwide
  Participation: Worldwide
  Mode: CW
  Bands: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10m
  Classes: Single Op (QRP/Low/High)
  Max power: HP: >100 watts
             LP: 100 watts
             QRP: 5 watts
  Exchange: Name + QSO No.
  Work stations: Once per band
  QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
  Multipliers: Each call once
  Score Calculation: Total score = total QSO points x total mults
  Submit logs by: 0400Z July 18, 2024
  Post log summary at:
  Mail logs to: (none)
  Find rules at:

Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest                  0100Z-0159Z, Jul 16
ICWC Medium Speed Test                               0300Z-0400Z, Jul 16
ZL Sprint                                            0800Z-0829Z (CW), Jul 16
                                                       0830Z-0859Z (SSB), Jul 16
                                                       0900Z-0929Z (FT4), Jul 16
Phone Weekly Test                                    0230Z-0300Z, Jul 17
A1Club AWT                                           1200Z-1300Z, Jul 17
CWops Test                                           1300Z-1400Z, Jul 17
VHF-UHF FT8 Activity Contest                         1700Z-2100Z, Jul 17
Mini-Test 40                                         1700Z-1759Z, Jul 17
Mini-Test 80                                         1800Z-1859Z, Jul 17
CWops Test                                           1900Z-2000Z, Jul 17
Walk for the Bacon QRP Contest                       0000Z-0100Z, Jul 18
                                                       0200Z-0300Z, Jul 19
NAQCC CW Sprint                                      0030Z-0230Z, Jul 18
CWops Test                                           0300Z-0400Z, Jul 18
CWops Test                                           0700Z-0800Z, Jul 18
NTC QSO Party                                        1900Z-2000Z, Jul 18
QRP Fox Hunt                                         0100Z-0230Z, Jul 19
NCCC FT4 Sprint                                      0100Z-0130Z, Jul 19
Weekly RTTY Test                                     0145Z-0215Z, Jul 19
NCCC Sprint                                          0230Z-0300Z, Jul 19
K1USN Slow Speed Test                                2000Z-2100Z, Jul 19
Maidenhead Mayhem Contest                            0000Z, Jul 20 to 2359Z, Jul 28
LABRE DX Contest                                     0000Z, Jul 20 to 2359Z, Jul 21
Russian Radio Team Championship                      0700Z-1459Z, Jul 20
Trans-Tasman Low-Bands Challenge                     0800Z-1400Z, Jul 20
YOTA Contest                                         1000Z-2159Z, Jul 20
Feld Hell Sprint                                     1200Z-1359Z, Jul 20
IARU Region 1 70 MHz Contest                         1400Z, Jul 20 to 1400Z, Jul 21
CQ Worldwide VHF Contest                             1800Z, Jul 20 to 2100Z, Jul 21
North American QSO Party, RTTY                       1800Z, Jul 20 to 0559Z, Jul 21
RSGB International Low Power Contest                 0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 21
Run for the Bacon QRP Contest                        2300Z, Jul 21 to 0100Z, Jul 22
K1USN Slow Speed Test                                0000Z-0100Z, Jul 22
ICWC Medium Speed Test                               1300Z-1400Z, Jul 22
OK1WC Memorial                                       1630Z-1729Z, Jul 22
ICWC Medium Speed Test                               1900Z-2000Z, Jul 22
Worldwide Sideband Activity Contest                  0100Z-0159Z, Jul 23
ICWC Medium Speed Test                               0300Z-0400Z, Jul 23
ZL Sprint                                            0800Z-0829Z (CW), Jul 23
                                                       0830Z-0859Z (SSB), Jul 23
                                                       0900Z-0929Z (FT4), Jul 23