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More Armenians in favor of NATO  - poll  


ArmInfo.. The number of supporters of the NATO military bloc is growing in Armenia. This is  evidenced by the results of the survey "Constitution - Napkin" by the consulting company MPG - the exclusive representative of the International GALLUP Association in Armenia.

In particular, in a similar survey conducted in February of this  year. 22.5% of respondents noted that Armenia should strive to join  NATO; in July, NATO supporters among those surveyed increased - 29%.

While the CSTO has lost the support of the Armenian public. In  February of this year. 28% of respondents still believed that the  best option for Armenia was to maintain membership in the CSTO, but  by July the number supporting this course had dropped to 16.9%.

The majority of respondents believe that Armenia should be a neutral  country and will not join either NATO or the CSTO. The opinion of  citizens has remained virtually unchanged for six months. In  particular, a similar opinion was expressed in February of this year.  expressed by 40.3% of citizens, and already in July there were more  supporters of this course - 44.3%. More than 9% of respondents, both  in February and July, found it difficult to answer.

However, in total, over 50% of respondents taking part in the survey  believe that Armenia is moving in the wrong direction. In particular,  28.5% of respondents noted that the chosen path was definitely wrong,  23.1% noted that only 10.6% believed that it was more likely to be  incorrect, and only 15.2% of respondents believed that it was more  likely to be correct. 22.5% found it difficult to answer.

At the same time, the majority of respondents believe that Armenia  should become a member of the EU. In particular, 34.2% of citizens  are definitely sure of this and 22.5% believe that, most likely, it  is necessary to join the EU. 19.1% - expressed a categorical "no" and  13.7% - noted "rather no". 10.5% found it difficult to answer.

Considering that the precondition for joining the EU is exit from the  EAEU, 28.8% of respondents expressed the opinion that Armenia should  definitely leave the Eurasian Union and start the process of  membership in the EU, 17.3% noted - more likely yes than no, 15. 6% -  rather no than yes, and 21.4% - definitely no. 16.9% - undecided on  the answer.

The survey was conducted through telephone calls to residents of  Armenia in the period from December 3 to July 6 of this year. The  sample size was 1100, error +/- 3%.

In 2011, MPG became the official representative in Armenia of the  International Gallup Association, one of the most prestigious and  independent public opinion research organizations in the world. Since  2003, MPG, working in the market of sociological and marketing  research, has implemented more than 800 projects of various sizes.