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Residents of settlement in Karelia advised to "cross the road at a right angle" after complaints about missing pavement


According to local residents, the settlement's road lacks sidewalks and traffic signs, and each passing car raises a "cloud of dust." Children are forced to walk along the roadside, and the dust often makes them invisible to drivers.

The residents of Tiurula have filed 26 appeals requesting the authorities to pave 1.5 kilometers of the road. Officials objected that paving 1 kilometer would cost 350 million rubles, citing the budget deficit in Karelia.

In June, villagers made a collective appeal to Vladimir Putin regarding the dangerous road. Local activist Yulia Aliyeva recorded a video explaining that over the past 10 years, the population of Tiurula has tripled. Additionally, the Lakhdenpokhsky District is popular among tourists.
