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Dominant NA faction member shares impression of Kirants village 


ArmInfo. NA deputy "Civil Contract" Narek Zeynalyan notes that residents of the village of Kirants,  Tavush region of Armenia, do not have negative emotions in connection with the process of border delimitation. He stated this on July 8 in a conversation with reporters.

Thus, according to the deputy, he and a number of other State Duma  deputies recently visited the village of Kirants and got acquainted  with the delimited area, as well as the engineering work being  carried out.

"Indescribable work of colossal scale and quality is being carried  out, which, I think, should have been carried out in the last 20-25  years, as a result of which we would not have the situation that has  developed now," Zeynalyan said.

In addition, parliamentarians met with local residents and talked  with them.

In this regard, Narek Zeynalyan concludes that the villagers are  happy that the border is defined, and today both sides know exactly  where the border is located.

When asked whether a border violation by Azerbaijan was ruled out,  the deputy said that no country in the world is guaranteed against  such risks. At the same time, he believes that the risks of  escalation in the case of a delimited border are much smaller and  more manageable.

It was previously reported that, as part of the delimitation, part of  the territory of Kirantsa - and these are two houses, a bridge, a  section of the interstate road to Georgia and, preliminary, more than  50 land plots must be transferred Azerbaijan. In connection, Armenia  is building the Kirants-Achakurt road, which should become an  alternative to the section of the road that will come under the  control of Baku.