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Paul Mauro: “There’s an Indicia That There Is a Higher Percentage” of Migrant Crime


Paul Mauro, Fox News Contributor, attorney, & Retired NYPD inspector, joined the Guy Benson Show with guest host Ross Kaminsky to discuss the state of the race as Biden allegedly contemplates dropping out. Mauro also gave the latest on migrant crime around the country, and you can listen to the full interview below!

Full interview:

Listen to the full podcast:

Mauro had this to say on the chance of increased migrant crime:

There’s no numbers on it, which is, of course, part of the problem, because they don’t want to track it because they’re very concerned with the results and they don’t like the optics… But there is, in my estimation, an indicia that there is a higher percentage now of crime going on among the immigrant groups. And I’m going to tell you, one of the tells is that… you’re starting to get the migrants themselves informing on the criminals. And that normally doesn’t happen.”