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The Quiz #155 – Poker Face


These questions might even be too tough for the Law & Order: SVU detectives to solve!

Take The Quiz with FOX News Headlines 24/7 Anchor, C.J. Papa.


What is the best hand in a game of poker?

  • Gin
  • Full House
  • Royal Flush
  • Four of a Kind

Arriving in the US as a Jewish refugee fleeing Hitler, this man later became Secretary of State under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Name him.

  • John Foster Dulles
  • David Dean Rusk
  • Henry Kissinger
  • Cyrus Roberts Vance

Actress Mariska Hargitay has won a Golden Globe and Primetime Emmy award for playing Olivia Benson on Law & Order: SVU. Her real-life father was the 1955 Mr Universe. Who was her mother?

  • Mallory Hargitay
  • Jayne Mansfield
  • Marilyn Monroe
  • Brigitte Bardot

The United States presidential line of succession states that as long as someone is eligible the next in line for the presidency after the Vice President and Speaker of the House of Representatives is what position?

  • Secretary of Defense
  • The House Sergeant at Arms
  • Secretary of State
  • President pro tempore of the Senate

Catherine of Aragon was the first wife of England’s King Henry VII. Where is she buried?

  • Peterborough Cathedral
  • Westminster Abbey
  • St. Paul’s Cathedral
  • Notre Dame Cathedral