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Monsoon Must-Knows: Safe Driving Tips for Rainy India


The monsoon season has arrived in India! While the southern roads are likely wet and glistening right now, the monsoon is gradually making its way north. Before you embark on a refreshing monsoon drive, let’s revisit some essential safety tips. Remember, the downpour brings new challenges for drivers. Wet roads, reduced visibility, and unpredictable weather can turn a routine trip into a stressful experience.

Here are some essential tips to help you navigate the monsoon season safely and confidently behind the wheel:

Pre-Monsoon Vehicle Checkup

  • Tire Tread: Ensure your tires have sufficient tread depth (at least 3 mm) for optimal grip on wet surfaces. Worn-out tires can lead to aquaplaning, a dangerous situation where your car loses traction while driving through water.
  • Wiper Blades: Replace worn-out wiper blades to ensure clear visibility during heavy rain.
  • Brakes and Lights: Get your brakes and lights inspected to guarantee they function properly in wet conditions.
  • Headlight Aim: Heavy rain can reflect glare from your headlights. Ensure they are aimed correctly to avoid blinding oncoming traffic.

Driving During the Monsoon

  • Reduce Speed: It’s crucial to adjust your speed according to the weather. Stopping distances increase significantly on wet roads, so maintain a safe following distance.
  • Headlights On: Switch on your headlights (low beam) during rain or even in low-light conditions to improve visibility for yourself and other drivers. Don’t use high beams, as they can reflect off the rain and create a glare.
  • Maintain Distance: Increase the following distance between your car and the vehicle ahead. This allows more time to react to sudden braking or hazards.
  • Avoid Sudden Maneuvers: sharp turns can lead to a loss of control. Brake gently and avoid jerky movements on the steering wheel.
  • Stay Alert: Be extra cautious on the road. Watch out for pedestrians using umbrellas and two-wheeler riders who may lose balance on slippery surfaces.
  • Flooded Roads: Avoid driving through flooded areas. The depth of the water can be deceiving, and there’s a risk of stalling your engine or getting swept away by strong currents.

Additional Tips

  • Plan Your Route: Before heading out, check weather forecasts and traffic updates. Consider alternate routes to avoid waterlogged areas.
  • Emergency Kit: Carry an emergency kit with essential items like a flashlight, jumper cables, a first-aid kit, and non-perishable snacks in case you get stuck in traffic.
  • Stay Calm: If you encounter heavy rain or low visibility, stay calm and pull over to a safe location until the conditions improve.

By following these tips and practicing defensive driving techniques, you can ensure a safe and hassle-free journey during the monsoon season. Remember, prioritizing safety is paramount. Don’t hesitate to delay your trip if the weather conditions seem dangerous.

The post Monsoon Must-Knows: Safe Driving Tips for Rainy India first appeared on Motoroids.