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CE Committee of Ministers releases selected precedent decisions  adopted during June meetings 


ArmInfo.Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has published selected precedent decisions  adopted during committee meetings from June 11 to 13 to monitor the implementation of judgments and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

According to the press service of the Yerevan Office of the Council  of Europe, during the session the Committee of Ministers adopted 42  decisions regarding 22 states, including interim resolutions on cases  related to Hungary and Turkey. It is noted that the Committee of  Ministers adopted 45 final resolutions in relation to 113 judgments  and decisions of the European Court concerning 21 different states.

In Armenia, one verdict was issued in the case of Ashot Harutyunyan  regarding failure to provide the applicant with the necessary medical  care in a pre-trial detention center, as well as placing him in a  metal cage during appeal proceedings (violations of Article 3).  According to the report, the just compensation awarded by the Court  was paid within the prescribed period. The applicant died in prison  from a heart attack in 2009.

The Committee of Ministers decided to stop considering the precedent  case of Ashot Harutyunyan and continue considering the remaining  measures within the Shirkhanyan group of cases.

In addition, the Committee approved an indicative list of cases that  will be considered at its next session dedicated to the  implementation of decisions, which will be held from 17 to 19  September 2024 (1507th session). As it became known, the case  "Chiragov and Others v. Armenia" will be considered in September.

According to Article 46 of the European Convention on Human Rights,  decisions of the ECtHR are binding on the states concerned. The  Committee of Ministers monitors the implementation of decisions based  on information provided by relevant national authorities, civil  society organizations, national human rights institutions (NHRIs) and  other stakeholders.