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Biden Reclassifies Weed Under Federal Law


President Biden is reclassifying marijuana from a schedule I to a schedule III drug under federal law because he really really needs voters. 

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

When you can’t run on your record, your economy, your foreign policy, your likability or your cognitive abilities, you turn to weed, abortion, and student loans as the focus of your platform. 

That is precisely what Joe Biden’s failing campaign has turned to. 

President Biden recently moved to reclassify marijuana from a schedule I to a schedule III drug under federal law. 

Joe claims he made this change to confront the failed war on drugs and address inequities in the justice system. 

But really…this is just another vote grab.

Joe’s campaign doesn’t have much to go on so they pick the lowest hanging fruits, student loan freebies, abortion free-for-alls and…weed.

We still don’t know the long term consequences of marijuana use but Democrats don’t care, they need something to energize the dwindling base and this is the easiest way to do it.


I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at