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If Pashinyan remains in power, then Armenia will become not Russian  province, but Azerbaijani protectorate, which is even worse - Ara  Papyan


ArmInfo. From now on, Nikol Pashinyan (RA Prime Minister) cannot speak on behalf of the Armenian  people, his promises and policies contradict each other. The "National Democratic Pole" believes that the root of all troubles and failures lies in its fundamentally incorrect management. This was stated by NDP Council member Ara Papyan at a press conference convened on May 13.

According to Papyan, Armenia is once again experiencing difficult  times. These days will determine the near future of the Republic of  Armenia, he noted.

The "National Democratic Pole" cannot remain on the sidelines and be  indifferent to what is happening in Armenia today. In this regard,  the Party Council came to the conclusion that they must do everything  possible to confirm the power of the people in the country," he said.

As a member of the NDP Council noted, the party has always advocated  the resignation of Nikol Pashinyan. Both on the issue of war and  peace, and Artsakh and borders, Pashinyan's positions were erroneous,  the NDP believes. In this context, he emphasized, as soon as the  "illegal, anti-constitutional" delimitation started in the Tavush  region of the Republic of Armenia, it was the NDP that went "out into  the streets", opposing this process.

The NDP still insists today on the resignation of the prime minister,  the formation of a transitional government with a strictly limited  period of government and clear powers, and then the introduction of a  number of legislative changes, after which it will become possible to  hold early elections.

At the same time, the NDP realizes that it cannot cope with the task  alone.

Touching upon, in his words, accusations that the NDP has joined  pro-Russian forces, Papyan said that they are cooperating with  certain forces around a specific agenda, primarily the resignation of  Pashinyan.  "If the latter remains in power, then Armenia will become  not a Russian province, but an Azerbaijani protectorate, which is  even worse than being a villat or province of someone, since in this  case, in addition to rights, it also has obligations towards you, and  in  the case of a protectorate, it controls both your defense and  foreign policy. We are already an Azerbaijani protectorate,"  explained Ara Papyan.

On May 11 it was reported that members of the National Democratic  Pole council Ara Papyan and Garegin Chookaszian met with Archbishop  Bagrat Galstanyan. Issues related to the progress of the movement and  further cooperation were discussed.